Thursday 11 August 2016

Complete guide : Troubleshoot 'no display' problem of your computer

Now troubleshoot your computer's "no display" problem by your own 

People usually call a computer technician when they found, that there is no display on their computer screen after booting, its a very serious problem and without any display you cannot operate your computer. Its a very common problem people face using computer and nowadays without computer our life seems to be impossible. Many people earning for living from their home by using computer, for them every seconds count.

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Here is a complete guide how to troubleshoot your computer's "no display" problem by your own without any computer hardware troubleshooting degree or any experience.

List of tools you need

1) Screwdriver set
2) Digital multimeter
3) Brush

Note : Power onn the computer

Step 1

Now the first thing you should check if the monitor's power LED is onn or off. If You see the LED is onn then your monitor is getting power. If the power LED is off try another power cord to check, is it your monitor's power cord needed to be change or if it still does'nt work with a new power cord then its time to change the monitor.

Tip : Check the plugin board from where the computer is getting power, may be the problem is in the switchboard and not in the computer

So If your monitor is getting power and there is still no display lets move to step 2

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Step 2

So now the next thing we'll check is the VGA of the computer.Carefully remove the VGA cord from the monitor, if now you can see its displaying (No signal) or some words dancing on the screen then its seems to be the monitor's VGA is fine.

Tip : Check with a new VGA cord to make sure the old VGA cord is working or not.

 Now, that you know the monitor is not responsible for the problem, we can move a step ahead

Note : Cut power off from the computer

Now use the screwdriver to open the desktop cabinet cover with the motherboard facing upwards, so you can see all the components inside the cabinet.

Tip: Use the brush to clean the dust inside the cabinet

Step 3

Now carefully take the RAM out from the slot, rub gently the chip of the RAM with an eraser (the one we use to erase pencil marks).Now power onn the computer and check if the display is back or not (most of the time display problem occurs due to rust on the RAM chip).if there is still no display on the monitor, use the multimeter to check the voltage of RAM, if not use another SMPS.

Tip : If there is still no voltage in the RAM slot even after trying with a new SMPS, the problem can be in the RAM slot.

There is another possibility, that if the system has been upgraded recently, may be you need more powerful Ram.

By following this guide you can troubleshoot your own computer and skip paying to a technician and also you can save alot of time, even you can earn some extra cash by helping people troubleshooting their computer problem.

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